A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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New Series No. 35


Salvage Inquiry to ascertain the most effective publicity methods.




Income Dwelling Age
Up to £2.10 1 House 1 Up to 35 6 Housewife working 1
£2.10 - £3.12 2 Block of flats 2 36 - 50 7 Housewife non-working 2
£3.12 - £5 3 Flat: converted house 3 51 and over 8 N. A. 3
£5 - £10 4 Boarding house 4 N.A. 9 Urban 4
Over £10 5 Rooms 5 Rural 5
N.A. 6

The Directorate of Salvage and Recover wants to make any possible improvement with regard to simplifying the collection of essential salvage.

1. Have you any suggestions to make regarding the collection of salvage?

If yes: what? Y No X D.K. 0 N.A. 1

2. It isn’t always possible to keep different kinds of Salvage separate, so we want to know just what people are able to do and which things they can manage to

All or regularly Sometimes Never N.A. If sometimes or never, why? Code If regularly or sometimes where do you put it? Code Comments
Paper 1 0 X Y
Rubber 1 0 X Y
Metal 1 0 X Y
Rags etc. 1 0 X Y
Kitchen waste 1 0 X Y
Bones 1 0 X Y

3. Did you manage to salvage any bones last week?

Small 1 Large 2
Both 3 None 4 N.A. 5

If no: why not?

3a. Do you clean and dry bones before salvaging? Yes 1 No 2 Some 3 N.A. 4

4. Do you know that the following should not he mixed with kitchen waste?

Yes No
Acid things Y X
Rhubarb leaves 0 1
Coffee grounds 2 3
Vinegar 4 5
Disinfectant 6 7

6. I suppose you had periods when you made a special effort to collect salvage. Can you remember what made you do this?

7. Do you think there should he a special drive for salvage in your district?

Yes 1 No 2 D.K. 3
Had one recently 4 N.A. 5

If there has been one recently, did you support it?

Yes 1 No 2 N.A. 3

If yes, in what way?

8. If you have been particularly impressed by any form of salvage publicity, what was it?


What sort of things could you salvage if a special appeal were made?

Yes No N.A. Comments
Magazines and books 3 2 1
Cheque stubs, tickets, labels, envelopes, scrap, letters 3 2 1
Cardboard and cartons 0 X Y
Music 3 2 1
Packing paper 0 X Y
Cardboard games 3 2 1
Wallpaper oddments 3 2 1
Rubber soled shoes 0 X Y
Rubber boots and goloshes 3 2 1
Cycle and pram tyres and tubes 3 2 1
Motor tyes and tubes 0 X Y
Tennis and golf balls 3 2 1
Football bladders and toy balls 3 2 1
Hot water bottles 0 X Y
Rubber mats 3 2 1
Sponges and toys 3 2 1
Aprons, gloves, bathing caps 0 X Y
Garden hose and wringer rollers 3 2 1
Racquet and handlebar grips 3 2 1
Insulated electric wire 3 2 1
Aluminium utensils 4 5 6
Lead piping 7 8 9
Ornaments 7 8 9
Light fittings 4 5 6
Kitchen utensils 7 8 9
Old cutlery 7 8 9
Old keys 4 5 6
Old prams and cycles 7 8 9
Wire and tape 7 8 9
Toothpaste tubes, etc. 4 5 6
Broken tools 7 8 9
Grate and fire irons 7 8 9
Bent nails and screws 4 5 6
Wire mattresses 7 8 9
Sewing cotton 4 5 6
Snippets and clothes cuttings 7 8 9
Old dusters 7 8 9)
Old sandbags and sacks 4 5 6
Old clothes lines 7 8 9
String oddments and ball nets 7 8 9
Old string gloves 4 5 6
Would you turn out your ragbag? 7 8 9

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