A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

35 36

14th May, 1940





Lord Perth

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Kirkpatrick

Mr. Peake

Mr. Tree

Mr. Wiltshire (Secretary)


It was decided that Mr. Macadam should be invited to attend all the meetings and that on Wednesdays there should be a full meeting consisting of the Policy Committee together with the Directors. The first meeting of the larger body should be on Wednesday, May 22nd, and the time should be 9.30.

[(be a member)]


It was noted that we should proceed on the assumption that the whole Ministry would be evacuated to Malvern except part of the Censorship [illegible] and part of the Press, who would go to Birmingham. At present there was accommodation for 400 at Malvern and the number requiring accommodation was 550. 150 might therefore have to go to Oxford for a few days.

It was noted that if circumstances required evacuation the character of the work might be changed. The Name Front would be of importance, but possibly a skeleton staff only would be required for foreign work. We might have to expand the censorship and for this it would be necessary to go back to the Treasury for permission to train further censors. The functions of the Foreign Division would than appear to be confined to keeping in touch with Ministers and assisting the B.B.C For this, close liaison with the Foreign Office would be required.

It was noted that since communication might be very difficult we should push on with short-wave broadcasts.

The functions of Electra House were discussed, and it was suggested that the division of countries might remain for the time being as at present. No decision was taken on these matters, which were deferred for further consideration.

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