Account of the presentation of the freedom of Exeter to the Captain of H.M.S. Exeter:
Jan Stewer
March 2
Six Months Ago, and Now:
Sir John Simon
March 4
The Economic War (1):
Donald Tyerman
March 7
War Commentary:
Vice-Admiral Sir James Somerville
March 8
Once a Week:
Marsh 11
The Economic War (2):
J. M. Keynes and Donald Tyerman
Trade Unions in Wartime (1):
G. Hicks
March 12
Bombing a U-Boat:
Pilot-Officer D. D. Weightman
March 13
Labour and the Navy:
A. V. Alexander
The sailing of the Queen Elizabeth:
R. F. Dunnett
The Scottish Prohibited Area:
Ian Finlay
March 14
War Commentary:
General Sir Hugh Elies
March 15
Once a Week:
March 16
The War Today:
Sir Archibald Sinclair
March 18
The Economic War (3):
Donald Tyerman
Towards Lasting Peace:
Viscount Cecil
Women in Ulster:
Mrs. H. G. H. Mulholland
March 20
The Supply Front:
Leslie Burgin
March 21
War Commentary:
Air-Marshal E. L. Gossage
March 22
Once a Week:
March 25
Trade Unions in Wartime (2):
W. Holmes
March 27
The Middle East in Wartime: Impressions of a Recent Tour:
Viscount Samuel
March 28
War Commentary:
Vice-Admiral Sir James Somerville
March 29
Wartime in the Forest of Dean:
J. L. Jones
March 30
The Progress of the War:
Winston Churchill
March 12
Dominion Commentary: Australia:
W. Macmahon Ball
March 26
Dominion Commentary: S. Africa:
Morris Broughton
March 1
Vive La France:
A fortnightly programme reflecting the life, and spirit of France in song and story.
March 2
Men of the Hour: General Weygand:
Captain Cyril Falls
March 4
France through the Eyes of a Welshman:
W. Idris Owen
March 5
Friends and Allies:
A weekly talk from France by Robert de Saint-Jean
March 12
Friends and Allies:
A weekly talk from France by Robert de Saint-Jean
March 15
Vive La France:
(see above)
March 19
Friends and Allies:
(see above)
March 21
France through the Eyes of a Welshman:
W. Idris Owen
March 24
The Spirit of France: The Empire:
Denis Saurat
March 26
Friends and Allies:
(see above)
March 29
Vive La France:
(see above)
March 1
Farming in Northern Ireland:
William Lyons
March 7
The Plough v The Submarine:
Sir Basil Brooke, (Minister of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
March 8
Somerset Ploughing Campaign:
J. A. Garton
March 9
W. King Wilson
March 10
In Your Garden:
C. H. Middleton
March 15
Government Schemes in South Gloucestershire:
W. Eley
March 16
The Cottage Pig:
John Green and Arthur Tingay
March 17
In Your Garden: Wartime Allotments:
C. H. Middleton and the Mayor of Ealing
March 21
Feeding Dairy Cattle in Wartime:
James Mackintosh and D. Gemmill
March 22
Wiltshire Ploughing Campaign:
A. G. Street
Gardening in Wartime:
David Harris
March 23
The Last Hatch: Rearing Your Chicks:
A. P. Thompson
March 28
Flax for Wartime:
A. W. Ling and W. D. Hollis
March 30
A beginner's Queries:
R. Gamble and Eleanor Macdonald
March 5
The Kitchen in Wartime: Making the Most of Unrationed Meats:
Ambrose Heath
March 7
What shall we have today?
Mrs. Berry
March 12
The Kitchen in Wartime: Making your Coupon Worth Double:
Godfrey Basley
March 14
What shall we have today?
Mrs. Berry
March 19
The Kitchen in Wartime: The nearer the Bone the sweeter the Meat:
Godfrey Basley
March 21
What shall we have today?
D. L. Crimp
March 26
The Kitchen in Wartime: Meatless Dinners:
Rena Bosanquet
March 28
What shall we have today?
D. L. Crimp
March 2
Our Children and the War:
Willa Muir
March 6
Back to School in the Towns:
Earl de la Warr
March 9
In “Can I Help You?”
Herbert Hodge
March 27
In “The Northcountry- woman”: The effect of the war on seaside boarding-houses:
Mary Luty
March 15
Our First Aid Post:
S. W. Dorricourt
March 26
Scrapheap to Industry (North Region)
March 14
Accidents in the Blackout: A roundtable conference between road users:
March 3
Under Nazi Rule (3); Education: An account of schools and teaching in Germany:
by Rennie Smith, R. H. S. Crossman, and some pupils and masters (speaking anonymously).
March 7
The Voice of the Nazi (4): Some Tricks of the Trade:
W. A. Sinclair (repeat of broadcast of 20th February).
March 10
Under Nazi Rule (4): Sport:
S. F. Rous (Secretary of the Football Association), Harold Abrahams and Willy Meisl.
March 17
Under Nazi Rule (5): Administration of Justice:
Wolfgang Friedmann (Lecturer in Law, University College, London) assisted by a former judge from one of the German People's Courts, a solicitor from Berlin, and Mrs. I. Litton.
March 19
The Voice of the Nazi (5): The Mind behind the Voice:
W. A. Sinclair
March 24
Under Nazi Rule (6): The situation of the Churches:
The Rev. Nathaniel Micklem, D.D., assisted by two anonymous speakers from Germany.
March 29
Once a Week:
Sir Joseph Addison, K.C.M.G.
March 31
Under Nazi Rule (7): Press and Public Opinion:
F. B. Aikin-Sneath and Leonard Ingrams and two anonymous speakers.
March 7 and 21
“From Parliament”: Fortnightly commentary on Welsh topics.
T. Huws Davies
March 10 and 24
“In Two Minds”:
Principal D. Emrys Evans
March 4
Meat Rationing:
T. H. Edwards
March 18
Agriculture in Wartime:
Llew Harry
March 28
“In Southern Europe”: News talk on the political situation in the Balkans: