A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Copies to Policy Committee D.S.

To: Minister From: Mr. R.A. Bevan.


You asked on Friday for information on what we have done and are about to do:


(a) We helped with advice and a special poster in the campaign to prevent children being brought back home before Christmas.

(b) We have conducted a Press Advertising Campaign in local weeklies in Reception Areas since the middle of March.

The Ministry of Health has an active Press Department and, as a rule, only asks for our help on advertising problems.


The Anti-Gossip or Security Campaign is both a Ministry campaign and one undertaken for the Service Departments. We conduct the whole campaign in this country and also help G.H.Q., B.B.F., by producing occasional posters for them.

Posters, Press Conferences, Films, Local Meetings and B.B.C. have been used. An Inter-Departmental Committee reviews the [illegible] from time to time.


The conduct of the whole Blackout Road Safety Campaign is entrusted to us. Press Advertising and leaflets have already been used. Large and small Posters and further Press Advertising are proposed, in addition to Films, B.B.C. and stimulation of the Press.


Apart from advice on the first Poster and Leaflets last Autumn, we have not helped in the “Dig for Victory” (Gardens and Allotments) Campaign.

On the “Plough Now” Campaign, we carried out the Press Advertising through agents, and it has now been proposed that this be continued in order to encourage modern methods of silage, hay drying, etc.

The Ministry of Agriculture has a Publicity Adviser with his own contacts in the advertising world, and they do not often seek our help on Posters, Leaflets, etc. nor on issues to the Press.


We have recently been asked to plan a campaign which will secure a regular flow of recruits for the Government Training Centres, where men are trained for engineering and other war production work. As far as can be seen after the first discussion, this will involve mainly local campaigns through the local press, Posters and Leaflets, Meetings, and possibly Films for non-commercial showing.


It was originally intended that we should take over the large Press and Poster advertising campaigns which are envisaged. Discussions were held to arrive at a formula allocating responsibility to each Ministry. When I found there was little chance of smooth working, I recommended that we be employed in a purely advisory capacity. This was agreed to by you and the D.G., and it was arranged:-

(a) That we should have a representative on the Inter- Departmental Committee to watch their advertising and publicity campaigns in relation to their effect on public morale (Mr. Vaughan sits for us);

(b) That the use of Voluntary Poster Sites and Films should be co-ordinated through us. (I think this will be done).

(c) That Mr. Vincent, of the Ministry of Food, should be able to have the benefit of our expert publicity advice whenever he wanted it. (He has not yet asked for it).

NOTE : The objection to centralisation through the M. of I. comes mainly from vested interests, i.e., from officers specially appointed for Public Relations and Publicity. There is generally little criticism of co-ordination and centralisation of Films. Many Ministries like to keep their own contacts with the B.B.C. rather than work through Mr. Wellington, but above all, the Press Officers tend to insist on dealing with the Press themselves.

Signed R. A. BEVAN

8th April 1940.

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