A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Thursday, 30th October, 1941.

Present :



Mr. Bamford.

Mr. Francis Williams.

Mr. Grubb.

Mr. Royds.

Mr. Gates.

Mr. Macgregor.

Mr. Tree.

Mr. Kirkpatrick.

Mr. Ryan.

Mr. Ogilvie.

Sir Noel Ashbridge.

General Lawson.

Admiral Carpendale.

General Tripp.

Mr. Herbert.

1. Reports from Service Advisers .

2. Short Wave Broadcasting Channels .

Sir Noel Ashbridge explained the technical difficulties in connection with B.B.C. short wave transmissions. He was authorised to proceed, with the full support of this Ministry, in further application to the Wireless Telegraph Board.


3. Use of Morse in Transmissions to the Continent .

Sir Noel Ashbridge explained the technical position and Mr. Kirkpatrick was asked to take up the matter with the Minister's Committee.

4. Reports on German Morale .

Mr. Herbert was directed to consult Mr. Kirkpatrick on this subject and to ask Lord Hood whether there were any reports available in this Ministry which could be used as a directive for the Posted Censorship in Bermuda.

5. B.B.C. Accounts .

Mr. Bamford raised the question of the cost of B.B.C. Home Programmes, of which Mr. Olgivie gave some details.

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