A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Distinguished Visitors to Region Speakers
1940 - 1941 1940 - 1941
Mr. D. Adams, M.P.
The Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin, M.P.
The Rt. Hon. Margaret Bondfield M.P. J.P.
The Rt. Hon. Hugh Dalton, M.P.
Mr. A. Edwards M.P.
Mr. Dingle Foot, M.P.
Lt. Col. Sir Cuthbert Headlam, H.P.
Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, M.P.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Lloyd of Dolobren.
Captain A. Marsden R.N. M.P.
Mr. Jan Masaryk
Lord Moyne
The Rt. Hon. Lord Eustace Percy
Sir George Schuster M.P.
Mr. R. Donald Scott M.P.
Mr. T. Sexton M.P.
Dr. Edith Summerskill M.P.
Miss Irene Ward. M.P.
Mr. William Whitely M.P.
Miss Ellen Wilkinson M.P.
The Most Rev. The Archbishop of York.
Mr. a. Yauuf All
Mrs. Corbett Ashby, LLD.
Mr. J. Bowman
Mr. W.J. Brown
Col. B. Cruddas, D.S.O.
Rev. H.T. Donaldson M.A.
Miss Caroline Haslett C.B.E.
Alderman J. Toole
Prof, T.E. Jessop M.C. B. Litt
1941 - 1942 1941 - 1942
Their Majesties the King and Queen
H.R.H. Princess Royal
H.R.H. The Crown Prince of Norway
Right Hon. C.R. Attlee M.P.
Right Hon. Ernest Bevin M.P.
Major V.A. Cazalet M.P.
Mr. Alfred Edwards M.P.
Mr. Evatt
Captain L.D. Gammans M.P.
Sir Patrick Hannon M.P.
Sir John Jarvis M.P.
Mr. Harcourt Johnstone M.P.
Ft. Lt. Hamilton Kerr M.P.
Right Hon. Harold MacMillan M.P.
Major J. Milner M.P.
Major General Sir Frederick Pile
Mr. T. Sexton M.P.
Lord Sherwood
Rt. Hon. Sir Archibald Sinclair M.P.
Miss Irene Ward M.P.
Miss Ellen Wilkinson M.P.
Right Hon. Earl Winterton M.P.
Mr. Chester Williams
The Prime Minister (twice)
The Prime Minister of New Zealand
Lord Privy Seal
Minister of Food
Minister of Pensions
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Supply
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of War Transport
M. Michalpoulos (Greek Minister of Information)
Madame d'Alroy
Mrs. Corbett Ashby
Madame J. Biddulph (France)
Mrs. Eileen Bigland (Russia)
Miss Phyllis Bottome
Dr. Franz Burger (Austria)
Dr. J. Cizar (Czechoslovakia)
Captain H.S. Coulter (Canada)
Mr. F.B. Czarnomski (Poland)
Dr. Karl Egger (Austria)
Mr. Eric Gosfrey (Russia)
Professor John Hilton
Miss Naomi Jacob
Professor T.E. Jessop
Dr. C.E.M. Joad
Mr. Will Lawther
Mr. Van der Lean (Holland)
Frau Irmgard Litten (Germany) Professor A. Newell (U.S.A.)
Mr. Bernard Newman
Mrs. Seymour Obermer
Lieut. d'Ollande (France)
Sir Bernard Pares (Russia)
Professor H. Sellon (France)
Sir Ronald Storrs
Alderman J. Toole
Captain Tupper
Miss Adza Vincent
Mr. Godfrey Winn
Distinguished Visitors to Region Speakers
1942 - 1943 1942 - 1943
Their Majesties The King and Queen
Alderman C.G. Ammon D.L. J.P. M.P.
Dr. Benes (President of Czechoslovakia)
Rt. Hon. Ernest Brown M.C. M.P.
Rt. Hon Leslie Burgin M.P.
Rt. Rev. H.J. Buxton (Bishop of Gibraltar)
Captain Somerset de Chair M.P.
Captain L.B. Gammane M.P.
M. Henri Hauck
Col. Sir Cuthbert Headlam, Bart. D.S.O. M.P.
Dr. Kraus - Propaganda Department (Czech. Govt.)
Mr. Jan Masaryk (Czechoslovakia)
Lieut, Pubelintsev, Hero of the Soviet Union
Dr. J. Smutney, (Chancellor of the Czech. Govt.)
The King of Greece
The President of Czechoslovakia
The Minister of Production
The Minister of Fuel and Power
The Minister of Security
The Minister of Works and Planning
The Minister of Pensions
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour
Rt. Hon. Tom Wiliams, M.P.
Mr. A. Alexander (Egypt)
King's Scout John Bethel
Madame J. Biddulph (France)
M. Josef Boch (Luxembourg)
Mrs. Eileen Bigland (Russia)
Dr. Franz Burger (Austria)
Mr. A.S. Comyns Carr K.C.
Mr. D. Cushman Coyle (U.S.A.)
Captain H. Coulter (Canada)
Mr. John Dodds
Mr. H. Dunning
Dr. Karl Egger (Austria)
Mr. Tom Elliott (U.S.A.)
Lady Fetcher (Russia)
Dr. Sudhin Ghose (India)
Major Gilstrap (U.S.A.)
Mr. H.L. Hourmouzios (Greece)
Mrs. L.V. Hart (U.S.A.)
Mr. C.Y. Hsieh (China)
Lt. Commdr. J.J. Irving R.N.
Miss Naomi Jacob
Column Officer E.A. Kirby
Mr. K.L. Grimelund Kjolsen (Norway)
Mr. J. Kolnj-Balozky (Russia)
Miss Lai Po Kan (China)
Mr. Will Lawther
Dr. H. Lambridis (Greece)
Capt. Lennox Short (S. Africa)
Frau Litten (Germany)
Squadron Leader McDowell
Mrs. J. Mitchell (France)
Mrs. Edward Murrow (U.S.A.)
Miss Phyllis Neilsen-Terry
Major Ney (Canada)
Mr. Bernard Newman
Mrs. Seymour Obermer
Colonel Palewski (France)
Mr. Wilfred Pickles
Miss Molly Poole (Japan)
Captain Purcell-Buret
Seaman Gunner J. Reid
Mrs. C.E. Riley (France)
Mr. Gerald Riley
Captain G.W. Robinson O.B.E.
Sir John Russell D.S.O. F.R.S. (Russia)
Lt. Co. Rhys Davies D.S.O. (America)
Professor Sellon
Major C.F. Skinner M.C. (New Zealand)
Commander Scaife
Sir Ronald Storrs K.C. M.C. O.B.E.
Seaman J. Strother
Sgt. Major Thoroughgood
Ft. Lt. Van der Bijl (Czechoslovakia)
Miss Adza Vincent (India)
Chief Supply Officer Williams M.N.
Miss Diana Wong (China)
Dr. George Yeh (China)
2nd Officer L.G. Synd.


1943 - 1944 1943 - 1944
Distinguished Visitors to Region Speakers
The Rt. Hon C.R. Attlee M.P.
The Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford Cripps K.C. M.P.
Mr. Harold Macmillan M.P.
Hr. R. Donald Scott M.P.
Commander Sir Archibald Southby M.P.
Miss Irene Ward C.B.E. M.P.
Major Christopher York M.P.
The King of Norway
The Princess Royal
The Chinese Ambassador
The President of the Board of Education
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
The Minister of Fuel & Power
The Minister of Pensions
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Fuel & Power
The Director General of the A.T.C.
The members of the Chinese Official Mission
Sir John Woodhead
Captain Bain (H.M.S. Norfolk)
Miss Hilda Beal (America)
Major Gen. Hay Beith C.B.E. M.C.
Lady Bernard (Malta)
Mrs. I.M. Bettman (America)
Dr. Franz Burger (Austria)
Lt. Col Rhys Davies D.S.O. (America)
Captain J.E.J. Davie
Lt. Gen. Sir William Dobbie
Mr. John Dodds
Mr. Robert Dunning
Lady Fletcher (Russia)
Mr. M. Ghiasuddin (India)
Mr. Victor Haggith M.N.
Mr. Hans Hirsch (Austria)
Lt. Comm. J.J. Irving R.N.
Captain Nand Lal Kapur (India)
Miss Lai Po Kan (China)
Mr. A.D. Kay (Australia)
Mr. Alan B. Kline (America)
P/O Rafal Klinga (Poland)
Capt. A. Lennox Short (South Africa)
Capt. Donald Leslie
Professor Robt. S. Lynd(America)
Captain P.J. Matthews M.C.
Miss Margaret Mead (America)
Mons. A. Michalopoulos (Greece)
Capt. Robin Miller (New Zealand)
Mrs. Mitchell (Fighting France)
Mr. Tawera Moana (New Zealand)
Capt. Lance Nethery (Canada)
Mr. Bernard Newman
Mrs. G. Priestwood (Japan)
Captain G.W. Robinson O.B.E. M.N.
Commander J. Scaife
Mrs. N. Stillwell (America)
Major Christopher Stone
Miss Kathleen Taylor (Russia)
Regt. Sergt. Major Thoroughgood
Mr. Charles D. Torvell
Mr. Cameron Tudor (West Indies)
Ft. Lt. Van der Bijl (Czechoslovakia)
Miss Emily Woodward (America)
1944 - 1945 1944 - 1945
The Rt. Hon R.S. Hudson C.H. M.P.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Woolton
M.S. McCorquodale Esq. M.P.
M.R.H. The Duchess of Kent
Dr. H. Dalton M.P.
Mr. E. Bavin M.P.
Miss Florence Horsbrugh M.P.
Mr. H.U. Willink M.P.
Mr. John Fairfax, a Director of Sydney “Morning Herald”
Mr. A.N. Galbraith H.M. Vice-Consul, Pittsburgh
Mr. R.B. To[illegible]Dinton, H.M. Vice-Consul, Boston
Mr. D.O. Fynes-Clinton H.M. Vice-Consul, Rio de Janeiro
Mr. J.H. Wright H.M. Vice Consul, Quito
Mr. J. Jardine, British Council Representative, Haifa.
Mr. K.K. Ardaschir (India)
Capt. J.H. Beare (Australia)
Sgt. Max C. Beauchez (Holland)
Lady Bernard (Malta)
Lt. Col. Bjarkov (Denmark)
Mr. Bo. Bramsen (Denmark)
Dr. Franz Burger (Austria)
Major R.H. Burne M.C.
Mr. David Cushman Coyle (America)
Mr. A.W. Croskery (New Zealand)
Lt. Col. Rhys Davies D.S.O. (America)
Mlle,Ginette Delmas (France)
Mrs. George V. Ferguson (Canada)
Lady Luba Fletcher (Russia)
Mr. W.A. Fox (New Zealand)
Major Gen. H.L. Haughton
Lt. Col F.O. Hodgkinson
Capt. W.V. Hooker (Canada)
Ft. Lt. James Howarth
1944 - 1945 1944 - 1945
Distinguished Visitors Speakers
Mr. John Leaning, Director, B.I.S. San Francisco
Mr. M.L. Shearman, Ministry of Information Press Attaché, Santiago, Chile
Mr. J. de C. Hamilton, Counsellor to H.M. Minister-Resident, Cairo.
Mr. T.C. Ravensdale, Assistant Oriental Counsellor, Cairo.
Mr. Trevor Evans, Principal Secretary, to H.M. Ambassador, Cairo.
Mr. C.A. Gault, H.M. Consul, Isfahan, Persia.
Mr. J.E. Vaughan, H.M. Chargé d'affaires, Monrovia
Mr. A.K. Helm, O.B.E. Counsellor at H.M. Embassy, in Ankara.
Mr. H.B. Livingston, H.M. Consul-General Los Angeles
Mr. K. Bumstead, H.M. Consul, Chicago
M. Lison, Editor, “Libre Belgique”
M. Van Eynde, Editor, “Volkgazet of Antwerp”
M. Crommen, Editor, “Vooruit”
M. de Muynck, Editor, R.D.N.B. Official Radio
Brigadier W.A.L. James D.S.O.
Staff Sergt. Ron. Jones
Mr A. D. Kay (Australia)
Miss Lai Po Kan (China)
Major D.A. Lee
Capt. Alan Lennox-Short (South Africa)
Capt. Donald Leslie
Brigadier Lowther D.S.O.
Miss Sheila Mackay (America)
Mr. John Marsh
Capt. P. J. Matthews M.C.
Lt. Frank Morton
Mr. Bernard Newman
Professor C.M. Nuyens (Belgium)
Mr. S. Beyer Pedersen
Mr. John Pilcher (Japan)
Mrs. G. Priestwood (Japan)
Capt. John Reid
Capt. G. W. Robinson O.B.E. M.N.
Commander John Scaife O.B.E.
Major B.A. Smith R.A.
F/O J.C. Seay D.F.C.
Miss Kathleen Taylor (Russia)
Mr. Charles D. Torvell
War Correspondent Maurice Watts
Capt. Bernard Wedgery
Lt. Andre Wendelen (Belgium)
Major B.C. Wood
Mr. Julius S. Woodward (Canada)
Professor C.C. Yeh (China)
Mr. John Asfour Arab Trade Union
Mr. Sami Taha Delegation to the World
Mr. Bolous.Farah T. Union Conference
Mr. C.B. Jerram, C.M.G. Minister (Commercial) H.M. Embassy, Buenos Aires
Mr. D.F. Brickell, H.M. Consul, Montevideo Mr. F. Butler, H.M. Consul, Barcelona
Mr. J.W. Blanch, H.M. Consul, Boston
Mr. V.V. Cusdon, O.B.E. H.M. Consul-General, Loanda.
Mr. Bell, N.O.I. Representative in Stockholm
Mr. J.M. Leche, C.M.G. H.M. Minister Guatemala
Mr. R.G.A. Meade, H.M. Consul, Tetuan
Mr. A.R. Starck, Assistant to H.M. Trade Commissioner at Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Mr. R.P. Heppel, Second Secretary at H.M. Embassy, Athens
Mr. M.H.L. Uren, Editor, of the “Western Mail” Perth, (Australia)
Mr. Tung Ling, Chinese Ambassador to the Netherlands
Dr. K.S. Wei, Counsellor to Chinese Embassy to allied Governments in London.
Mr. C.H. Lowe, Chinese Ministry of Information, Calcutta
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Swedish Press Representatives
Mr. Wickbon
Mr. Westerburg, Technical attaché to Swedish Embassy
Mr. Basharin, Soviet Correspondent T.A.S.S. Agency
Mr. A.H. Marlow H.M. Consul-General, Buenos Aires
Mr. J.G. Ridland, H.M. Vice-Consul, Spokane
Mr. Francis Pelly, H.M. Vice-Consul, Seattle


June 1945 - March 1946 June 1945 - March 1946
Distinguished Visitors Speakers
Sir Edward Appleton - Secretary, Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research
Mr. F. N. Bathurst- Legal Counsellor, H.M. Embassy, Washington
Rt. Hon. Aneurin Bevan, M.P.
Mr. Ian Hamilton - Australian News and Information Bureau
Colonel Rene l'Hopital, M.V.O.
Hr. Halvdan Hydle, Aftenposten, Oslo.
H.R.H. Duchess of Kent
Mr. G. Kimber - Joint Official Secretary, in office of U.K. High Commissioner, Australia.
Brigadier Errol Knox - Melbourne Press.
Hr. Finn Lie - Hadaland Brandbu
Mr. A.H. Marlow - H.M. Consul-General, Buenos Aires
Mr. R.B. McAllister, Official Secretary, Queensland Government.
Mr. Paul McCuire - Melbourne Press
Mr. J.C. Munroe - Press Officer, Minister of National Insurance.
Hr. Andreas Noekleby - Vestfold Arbeiderblad, Toensberg.
Hr. Bjarne Nygaard, Sarpsborg, Arbeiderblad.
Mr. Lindsay Palmer, Australian Journalist
Mr. E.G. Payne - Chief Inspector, Egyptian Government
Mr. Francis Pelly - H.M. Vice-Consul, Seattle.
Mr. R.G. Ridland - H.M. Vice-Consul, Spokane.
Mr. R.R. Sedgewick - Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa.
Mr. F.N. Shepherd - Brit. Political Representative, Finland.
Mr. Ray Simmons - Melbourne Argus
Mr. K.W. Smith - H.M. Consul, Guatemala.
Mrs. North Tomalin - Winnipeg Free Press.
Mr. Wang Tze-Sing - Hsingua Bank, Chunking
Col. Yang Tze-yue - Chinese Military Mission.
Hr. Trygve Width, Morgenbladet, Oslo
Prof. Chen Yuan - Sino British Cultural Association.
Captain L.G. Ablitt
Mr. George Bilainkin
Major W.T. Blake
Major J. Borthwick, M.B.E.
Squadron Leader G.A. Butler, D.S.O.D.FC
Mr. Peter Butler.
Lt. Col. Rhys Davies
Madame Debu-Bridel
Mr. Ulrik Dourloo.
Lady Luba Fletcher
Mr. Harold Gibson
Capt. J.W. Huntley-Gordon R.A.
Ft./Lt. M.R. Griffiths
Mr. P.J. Griffiths
Mr. Wim Grotenbreg
Major Stanley Holmes
Ft./Lt. James Howarth
P/O. J. Leather
Major D.A. Lee
Lt. A. Lennox
Brigadier Lowther, D.S.O.
Mr. H. Menville
Mr. George Mercer
Mr. Bernard Newman
Mr. C.R. Niven
Mrs. Dorothy Niven
Captain J.F. Nixon, M.C.
Major Herbert Noyes
Lt. J.E. Pearson
Captain Ian Purvis
Chief Officer Reid-Jamieson
Lt. Col. T.C.W. Roe, O.B.E.
Major Lawrence Ruddell
Commander D.S.E. Thompson, R.N.
Commandant M. Vivier
Mr. H. Wakefield
Captain J.P. Lee Warner
Miss Florence Wilson
Mr. Henry Wong

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