Sir Edward Appleton - Secretary, Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research
Mr. F. N. Bathurst- Legal Counsellor, H.M. Embassy, Washington
Rt. Hon. Aneurin Bevan, M.P.
Mr. Ian Hamilton - Australian News and Information Bureau
Colonel Rene l'Hopital, M.V.O.
Hr. Halvdan Hydle, Aftenposten, Oslo.
H.R.H. Duchess of Kent
Mr. G. Kimber - Joint Official Secretary, in office of U.K. High Commissioner, Australia.
Brigadier Errol Knox - Melbourne Press.
Hr. Finn Lie - Hadaland Brandbu
Mr. A.H. Marlow - H.M. Consul-General, Buenos Aires
Mr. R.B. McAllister, Official Secretary, Queensland Government.
Mr. Paul McCuire - Melbourne Press
Mr. J.C. Munroe - Press Officer, Minister of National Insurance.
Hr. Andreas Noekleby - Vestfold Arbeiderblad, Toensberg.
Hr. Bjarne Nygaard, Sarpsborg, Arbeiderblad.
Mr. Lindsay Palmer, Australian Journalist
Mr. E.G. Payne - Chief Inspector, Egyptian Government
Mr. Francis Pelly - H.M. Vice-Consul, Seattle.
Mr. R.G. Ridland - H.M. Vice-Consul, Spokane.
Mr. R.R. Sedgewick - Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa.
Mr. F.N. Shepherd - Brit. Political Representative, Finland.
Mr. Ray Simmons - Melbourne Argus
Mr. K.W. Smith - H.M. Consul, Guatemala.
Mrs. North Tomalin - Winnipeg Free Press.
Mr. Wang Tze-Sing - Hsingua Bank, Chunking
Col. Yang Tze-yue - Chinese Military Mission.
Hr. Trygve Width, Morgenbladet, Oslo
Prof. Chen Yuan - Sino British Cultural Association.
Captain L.G. Ablitt
Mr. George Bilainkin
Major W.T. Blake
Major J. Borthwick, M.B.E.
Squadron Leader G.A. Butler, D.S.O.D.FC
Mr. Peter Butler.
Lt. Col. Rhys Davies
Madame Debu-Bridel
Mr. Ulrik Dourloo.
Lady Luba Fletcher
Mr. Harold Gibson
Capt. J.W. Huntley-Gordon R.A.
Ft./Lt. M.R. Griffiths
Mr. P.J. Griffiths
Mr. Wim Grotenbreg
Major Stanley Holmes
Ft./Lt. James Howarth
P/O. J. Leather
Major D.A. Lee
Lt. A. Lennox
Brigadier Lowther, D.S.O.
Mr. H. Menville
Mr. George Mercer
Mr. Bernard Newman
Mr. C.R. Niven
Mrs. Dorothy Niven
Captain J.F. Nixon, M.C.
Major Herbert Noyes
Lt. J.E. Pearson
Captain Ian Purvis
Chief Officer Reid-Jamieson
Lt. Col. T.C.W. Roe, O.B.E.
Major Lawrence Ruddell
Commander D.S.E. Thompson, R.N.
Commandant M. Vivier
Mr. H. Wakefield
Captain J.P. Lee Warner
Miss Florence Wilson
Mr. Henry Wong