In any further communication on this subject the following reference should be quoted:-
HP. 106/17
Your reference:
Dear [(R.I.Os)]
20th June, 1945.
During this period when there is a lull particularly on the Meetings... side, I am asking various members of Home Division to research into the numerous files in existence here with a view to the compilation of a history of the activities of Home Division from the beginning of the war. Mr. Meara is acting in the capacity of a general editor and as a piece of long-term action we hope eventually to compile a complete history for purposes of record.
No such history could be complete without the story of the Regions as told by them. Such a story might well be kept quite separate from the more general production we have in mind here which of necessity largely views events from the Headquarters standpoint.
I should be glad if you would keep this project in mind and start it for your own Region as a piece of long-term action which will be a useful standby in any case in times when some officers may not always be fully occupied with day-to-day work. It is a project which sooner or later will need to be carried out.
I find it difficult to suggest any particular length for such a Regional history since it will obviously vary from Region to Region. Nor do I wish to suggest anything on a stereotyped pattern. The essence of Regional strength is its versatility and individual character. The main thing is to produce a comprehensive Regional story supported by such relevant collections of material like complete sets of Regional news-letters (which were done by some Regions); special functions like Red Army days, United Nations days, American Thanksgiving days, and so on.
As office files are consulted for making such a history due regard will, of course, continue to be paid to the question of destroying non-important papers.
I realise that this is going to be a task of no mean order but I hope
- 2 -you will find it instructive and well worth doing.
There is one further point to which I might refer. We have all had successes in the past and most of us have made our mistakes. I think it would serve a very useful purpose if in a concluding paragraph to your history you were to include suggestions and recommendations for consideration should this country ever have the misfortune to be drawn into a world war again. Unless we express our views and convictions while it is all fresh in our minds, I have a feeling that some of the really useful points may well be lost.